Year 10 Stage 5 History
The 21st Century in which we live is one marked by rapid change and innovation. As such we increasingly take fast transport, faster communication, and connected global communities for granted, and yet only 300 years ago people could not begin to imagine the technologies we rely upon daily. It is important for students to understand how individuals, societies and governments cope with rapid change and that change can have both positive and negative impacts on communities. This course is an examination of the rise of the industrialised world through a study of the technological inventions of the Industrial Revolution, the methods used by the British to exploit new resources and markets through colonialism, and the consequences that mechanisation brought to warfare in the form of the railways, tanks and machine guns. Students also consider the working conditions in factories, mines and plantations, with a particular emphasis on the experiences of children. The semester ends with depth studies on Australia’s entry into World War I and II.
Despite attempts to create a lasting peace at the end of World War I, the world was engaged in another global conflict within 20 years. Not only did this conflict cause greater loss of life, it witnessed the Holocaust and the first use of nuclear weapons. In the aftermath of this war decolonisation saw the end of the great European empires and the emergence of new nations, particularly in Asia and Africa. At the same time, the United States and the Soviet Union emerged from World War II as hostile superpowers armed with nuclear weapons in a tense confrontation known as the Cold War. Despite a peaceful end to the Cold War in 1991, the emergence of global terrorism and a shift in economic power to Asia have contributed to ongoing uncertainty. The period since the end of the 20th Century has also been characterised by rising concerns about issues such as globalisation, the environment and sustainability. In spite of these uncertainties, there have been significant advances in technology, especially in communications, public health and living conditions across the world. Students in Year 10 compare and contrast the civil rights movements in America and Australia and their impact on international and local politics. In addition, students study changing government policy toward migration and its impact on Australian society. Lastly, we study a number of genocides from inception to prevention.
Students learn the following:
Unit 1: The Industrial Revolution in England and Australia - 5 weeks
- Reasons for the Industrial Revolution in Britain
- Agricultural Revolution
- Technological Advancements in Manufacturing and Transport
- Growth and Extent of British Empire 1750-1900
- Raw Materials obtained from British Empire
- Contribution of Industrial Revolution to the Development of Australia and Britain
- Population Movements in Britain
- Experiences of Men, Women and Children during the Industrial Revolution and their Way of Life
- Short and Long Term Impacts of the Industrial Revolution, including Global Changes in Landscapes
- Transport and Communication
Unit 8: Genocide Studies – 5 weeks
- This course will provide students with a basic understanding of the social, political, historical and religious causes of genocide
- Its impact on local, national and global policies and attitudes.
- Students will try to define the term 'genocide' and understand its legal, political and moral implications.
- During the unit of work students will study the Holocaust, the Armenian genocide and the Tutsi genocide in Rwanda.
Students will also undertake independent and collaborative analysis and research into specific genocides which have shaped contemporary society.