Sydney Technical High School

Manners Makyth Man

Telephone02 8566 2600


Career development is not just about providing students with related information about careers and courses. It is about encouraging students to explore their personal strengths, interests and opportunities, allowing them to develop and be equipped with the necessary tools to compete in this rapidly changing work environment.

The Careers Program consists of classroom lessons, small group seminars, excursions, individual careers counselling, practice interviews, guest speakers, onsite careers and course presentations from institutions and industry, work experience and much more.

The school is well connected with experts within institutions, industry and local community organisations. Staff and students benefit from up to the minute career insights and resources.

Sydney Technical High School is involved in collaborative partnerships offered by the Major universities in NSW, interstate and select universities overseas. This allows students to gain access to a variety of speakers offering free lunchtime talks, access to exclusive information nights, special guided tours of campuses and exclusive faculty events specially tailored to the needs of our students.


Work experience

Work Experience is an integral part of the Career Education program at Sydney Technical High School.

Opportunities are available for students in Years 10-12 to assist in enriching their classroom learning, assisting their career choices and building industry skills.

Students consider Jobs that require a University level of education in keeping with the post school destinations of our student body.

Activities are arranged by the Careers Adviser prior to Work Experience to ensure students are well prepared so that they gain confidence and maturity through participation in an adult work environment.