The school auditorium seats around 1000 and was built in 1952 with a sloping wooden floor. It has an excellent sound and lighting system, and is used for assemblies, musical events, guest lectures and parent meetings. It is available for hire to community groups through the school.
Music facilities
There are two dedicated music rooms and a senior performance studio incorporating electronic resources for digital media composition. The school auditorium houses the performing ensembles extensive instrument collection and provides a dedicated performance space for a large number of musical students. The school’s instruments provide plenty of scope for gifted music students from pianofortes to full concert band platform.
The Careers Learning Centre is a self-contained cottage on school premises containing a refurbished office with access to a wide range of resources, including specially designed career guidance software and job and course programs uniquely tailored for each student. Throughout the course of their high school career, students identify their interests and abilities and relate them to careers and opportunities for further study.
Within the library building, there are a range of teaching and learning spaces including a senior study area for students in Years 11 and 12 on the mezzanine level with collaborative space and soft seats, three seminar rooms, two classroom areas and soft chairs for reading and relaxing. Facilities include an interactive white board, 20 networked computers in the downstairs section and 11 computers in the senior study area, a photocopier which also functions as a networked printer and scanner, and lots of chess sets and games to promote social interactions. The library is also home to our archives - the Bob Booth Archive Room.
Visual arts studio
The school has three fully equipped studios, a darkroom for traditional photography and a computer lab for digital imaging. Best studio practice is encouraged throughout these facilities by rigorous investigation of the expressive potential of high quality media.
Vera’s Cottage (incorporating weights and exercise equipment)
Vera’s Cottage is a bungalow on the school site which contains the second hand uniform shop, and a gym facility developed by the PDHPE faculty with the support of the P&C. The gym contains equipment such as weights, machines and bikes that can be used by students and staff.
Science labs
The school has six science laboratories and two extensive preparation rooms used to prepare equipment for experiments, as well as a chemical storeroom. The laboratories were upgraded and modernised in 2011. Each lab has an interactive whiteboard, extensive facilities for carrying out experiments and state of the art safety equipment.
J Diaz Gymnasium
The school gym is a large indoor space used for indoor games such as basketball, indoor soccer and badminton. It is also used for scheduled curriculum classes in PDHPE.
School infrastructure
The school has an extensive technology infrastructure and the premises are connected by a wireless network throughout. All classrooms have interactive whiteboards with electronic projectors. Ten rooms are equipped with computers to enable sophisticated software programs to be incorporated into teaching and learning programs.
Outside sports facilities
The school has large grounds including four basketball courts, a soccer field, practice cricket nets, a volleyball court and a small field. The school has access to Hurstville aquatic and training centre for a number of sports and uses a number of facilities offered by Kogarah and Hurstville councils.
Technology block
The Technology block gives students access to computer labs, drawing rooms and practical workshops and students can experiment with wood, metals, electronics and plastics. There are a number of 3D printers enabling students to experiment with Computer Aided Design (CAD) drawing. Engineering theory and design have access to software programs in specialised Computing labs.