The application process for entry into an academically selective high school begins when the student is in Year 5, and is longer than the normal public high school enrolment process. Entrance to Year 7 is through an entrance test administered by the NSW Department of Education (DoE) Selective High Schools.
The application form is only available online. Please note that no late applications will be accepted. Applications are available for Year 5 students from October and need to be completed and submitted online by mid-November (exact dates are listed on the DoE website each year). The test is held at various locations across the state in the following May, when the student is in Year 6. Sample questions from past papers can also be downloaded from the Selective High Schools website.
Students will be selected according to their position on the results list, which is confidential and available only to the Principal of the chosen high school. There is no other waiting list, and there are no sibling rights.
Each year 150 boys are selected from this list for entry into Sydney Technical High School. Students are offered places on the basis of a rank-ordered composite score.
Students who wish to attend Sydney Technical High School must:
- Be living in NSW at the beginning of the school year of entry
- Be an Australian citizen, a permanent resident of Australia or a New Zealand citizen to enrol in a Selective High School
For more information on the selection process, visit the DoE website
The Selective Education Unit can be contacted on 1300 880 367 or by email at
View our 2022 Year 7 Orientation video below:
"A Day at Tech" - produced by the school's Digital Media Team in 2018