Stage 5 Commerce
Commerce is the study of the financial, economic, business, legal and political world. Throughout this course students will apply knowledge of commercial concepts into real world situations within the classroom. These hands-on experiences will develop their understanding of investment, marketing, politics, finance small business operations and economics.
Year 9
Students begin with the topic Promoting and Selling, where they develop a marketing plan for a product of their own design. Throughout this topic they develop their understanding of marketing concepts and strategies, and how to use these to maximise sales to a target market. They then explore how individuals are influence by consumer and financial decisions.
In Semester 2 students develop a foundational understanding of investing through a virtual simulation sharemarket during the ASX Sharemarket Game. They then develop and operate their own ‘business’ for the STHS Commerce Market Day as a part of the ‘Running a Business’ topic.
Year 10
Year 10 students continue the course with the topic ‘Employment Issues’, in which they develop their understanding of the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers as well as real world skills such as resume writing and interviewing skills. They then explore the world of Economics through the study of ‘Our Economy’. Students then develop political campaigns for the STHS Political Cup- a 5 week campaign where each class adopts the values of a political party culminating with nominated students presenting a campaign video and speech to the school during assembly.
In Semester 2, students begin their study on Law and Society looking at the role and structure of the law and current legal issues in Australia. They finish the semester with ‘Towards Independence’, a topic that develops students’ independence skills in areas such as managing finances, accommodation, car insurance and major purchases.
Topic studies in Commerce
- Consumer and Financial Decisions
- The Economic and Business Environment
- Employment and Work Futures
- Law, Society and Political Involvement
- Our Economy
- Investing
- Promoting and Selling
- Running a Business
- Law in Action
- Towards Independence