The Mathematics Faculty at Sydney Technical High School prides itself on its continued successes in external academic competitions. The school continually scores highly in terms of Prizes, High Distinctions and Distinctions in the Australasia-wide Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC), whilst it has been successful in the annual Canberra Maths Day (see below) held at the Australian National University and coordinated by the Australian Mathematics Trust. This organisation is the peak body for secondary mathematics enrichment in Australia. In recent years, we have had students achieving prizes in the AMC and as a result, have been invited to participate in the Australian Mathematics Olympiad, which could lead to representing Australia in the International Mathematics Olympiad.
Based on the Canberra Maths Day, the school runs a Year 10 and 11 Talented Mathematics Students’ Day each year. Year 8 students participate in in their own Year 8 Mathematics Day. The students are immersed in mathematical and logical thinking as they learn and utilise foundational and advanced problem solving skills. The faculty also provides fortnightly mathematical quizzes to encourage problem solving and higher order thinking. Students are encouraged to participate and are rewarded if successful. There are quizzes for all academic stages.
Canberra Maths Day
Each year, our top ten Mathematics students, along with accompanying teachers, head to Canberra to participate in the Maths Day held at the Australian National University (ANU).
They interact with the best mathematicians from Canberra and surrounding country towns. They have the opportunity to see the campus of ANU, one of the leading universities in Mathematics in the country.
Sydney Technical High School always performs well, and we have won this prestigious competition on several occasions.